20 inch

Max Speed

Travelling Range

Disc Brakes
Dual Mechanical Disc Brakes
Anti-lock braking system which significantly reduces the risk of the front wheel lock-up and rear wheel lift-off even during sudden braking.

Ultra-high capacity lithium battery
The lithium battery has a 10ah capacity with 36v. The charging time between 5Hr – Hrs.

LCD Screen
Smart LCD Electronic Display
Easily see your riding status clear view of riding status once you start riding, the neat display activates, showing you essential information on your ride.

With our One-Step folding capability the D2 Electric Bike easily folds the handle bars to be compact and easily transportable.

LED Headlight
The DYU D20 is equipped with front high-brightness LED headlights and rear taillights that will automatically light up when braking.

250W Motor
Small but powerful 250W brushless electric motor is waterproof, dustproof and shockproof.